Obama and Rouhani–A Call to Action, Tuesday, September 24th, Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, 5pm

Green or PurpleWhat: Obama and Rouhani–A Call to Action

When: Tuesday, September 24th, Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, 5pm

Where: Manhattan, New York City, 47th street at 2nd avenue

هم زمان با اجلاس سالیانه‌ی سازمان ملل و حضور رئیس جمهور منتخب در نیویورک، گرد هم جمع می شویم تا از یک طرف از دولت های غربی بخواهیم که با زبان تهدید و تحریم و جنگ با مردم ایران سخن نگویند و از طرفی خواستار تحقق مطالبات مدنی ایرانیان از رئیس جمهور منتخب شویم؛ از جمله برداشته شدن حصر، بازگشت دانشجویان به دانشگاه، بازگشایی نهادهای صنفی و مدنی، حمایت از اقشار آسیب‌پذیر و غیره

تاریخ برگزاری تجمع: سه شنبه، ۲۴ سپتامبر،‌ ساعت ۵ بعدازظهر

47th street at 2nd avenue

لطفن به دوستان‌تان خبر دهید

This week, Hassan Rouhani will attend the United Nations General Assembly for the first time as president of Iran. Rouhani’s election was a hopeful moment for many Iranians, and the recent release of Nasrin Sotoudeh and at least a dozen other political prisoners is cause for celebration, particularly for their families.

On the diplomatic front, the bellicose rhetoric from the Obama administration has recently been punctuated by renewed intimations of dialogue, though so far we still haven’t seen any concrete actions or initiatives from Washington.

While we welcome these positive developments, Havaar believes grassroots pressure pushing for an end to threats of war, the ongoing sanctions that continue to harm average Iranians, and state repression are needed today more than ever.

Please join Havaar this Tuesday at the UN as we make the following calls to action to the presidents and governments of the United States and Iran.

To Obama:

  • Will you lift the sanctions and stop collectively punishing the Iranian people, who are suffering terribly?
  • Will you stop saying “all options are on the table” and declare that there will be no military intervention in Iran?
  • Will you lead the global nuclear disarmament movement by taking major unilateral steps to eliminate the U.S. arsenal of nuclear weapons?
  • Will you promote peace in the Middle East by supporting a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the region?
  • Will you put the real needs of the American people and the environment ahead of geopolitics?

To Rouhani:

  • Will you direct your efforts towards releasing political prisoners, including religious and ethnic minorities?
  • Will our trade unions live? Will your government stop repression of strikes and independent workers organizations?
  • Will restrictions on journalists be removed? Will censorship be lifted?
  • Will you push for social justice for women? Will women’s equal access to all fields of higher education be restored?
  • Will you initiate anti-poverty and job creation programs?

We look forward to seeing many of you in Manhattan this Tuesday! Please be sure to forward this announcement widely and respond on our Facebook event page if you will be attending.

In solidarity,

Havaar: Iranian Initiative Against War, Sanctions and State Repression